We are a trailblazing company in electric watercraft technology, and made a huge splash with the world premiere reveal at the Helsinki Boat exhibition (Vene 24 Båt) on February 9th, 2024. The grand reveal was packed with domestic and international media.
With a commitment to sustainability and utilizing cutting-edge 3D technology, we introduced a new era of water adventures with innovative electric solutions. This zero-emission and eco-friendly watercraft not only promises an exhilarating experience but also contributes to a greener future for water enthusiasts around the world.
Founder and CEO of Viva Electric Jets, Timo Kronqvist, expressed his enthusiasm at the fair: "Our team has tirelessly worked to develop a high-performance watercraft that combines thrilling speed, reliability, environmental consciousness, and unprecedented work space solutions."
The electric personal watercraft dazzles with its sleek and modern design as it has been described as a design from the future or something that Batman would ride. Powered by an electric motor, it offers an adrenaline-fueled ride across lakes, rivers, and oceans.
Viva Electric Jets is proud to contribute to the shift towards sustainable and environmentally friendly water mobility. As a partner of the electric mobile cluster in Mikkeli Finland, the company continues to lead the way in creating the first 10 pre-series units for summer 2024.
If you want to be among the first to experience the future of water adventures, make a pre-order at vivaelectricjets.com and join the Viva Electric Jets teams. Viva fan gear is also sold at the website, as you may notice from the web page menu.
The Boat fair is still running for three days, so hurry up and visit us at the Fair. You'll find us from Hall1 stand b10. Welcome!
Suomalaisen Viva Electric Jet -sähkövesijetin ensiesittely pidetään 9. helmikuuta klo 10:30 – 12:00 Helsingin Venemessuilla (Vene 24 Båt), osastolla 1b10. Kutsumme median edustajia paikalle katsomaan laitteen paljastamista! Paljastamisen suorittaa entinen formulakuski, Mika Salo.
Mikä on Viva?
Viva Electric Jets on sähköisellä voimalinjalla varustettu vesijetti, joka on suunniteltu ja rakennettu alusta asti Suomen Mikkelissä huippuluokan 3D-teknologialla. Olemme sitoutuneet kestävään kehitykseen viemällä vesiseikkailut uudelle aikakaudelle innovatiivisilla sähköisillä ratkaisuilla. Päästötön ja muutenkin ympäristöystävällinen vesikulkuneuvo edistää vihreämpää tulevaisuutta harrastajille ja ammattilaisille maailmanlaajuisesti.
Enemmän on enemmän!
Perinteisiin vesijetteihin verrattuna suurempi koko tuottaa ennennäkemättömän liu'un . Lisäämällä leveyttä ja käyttämällä huippuluokan rungon kulmia, VIVA nousee välittömästi plaaniin unohtamatta ketteryysominaisuuksia, joita ei ole missään muussa vesijetissä. VIVA-tiimimme on luonut jotain, jossa on riittävä kantokyky ja riittävästi tilaa ihmisille ja tarvikkeille riippumatta siitä, mitä kukin tekee. Tyypillisesti vesijetit ovat pitudeltaan vajaat kolme metriä pitkiä - Viva on tasan neljä. VIVAssa on 500:n litran vedenpitävä lokero keulassa. Ja tietenkin koko ja muotoilu on tehty sellaiseksi, että laite erottuu muista. Jos kuvittelet erilaisia vesiskoottereita ja muita PWC:itä (personal watercraft) rivissä, VIVA erottuu muista, se on selvä!
Tervetuloa median edustajat tutustumaan VIVAan juuri ennen messujen aluksi!
Median yhteystiedot:
Nimi: Altti Näsi
Arvonimi: Viestintä- ja brändijohtaja
Sähköposti: altti.nasi@vivaelectricjets.com
Puhelin: +358 400 969 719
Verkkosivusto: www.vivaelectricjets.com
Mikkeli, Finland - Viva Electric Jets, a pioneering company in the field of electric watercrafts, is proud to announce the grand reveal of their highly anticipated electric personal watercraft at the upcoming Helsinki Boat exhibition on the 9th of February (Vene 24 Båt).
Designed and built with cutting-edge 3D technology and a commitment to sustainability, Viva Electric Jets introduces a new era of water adventure with innovative electric solutions. This zero-emission and eco-friendly watercraft not only promises an adrenaline-fueled experience but also contributes to a greener future for water enthusiasts worldwide.
"We are thrilled to showcase our revolutionary electric personal watercraft at the Helsinki Boat exhibition," says the founder and CEO of Viva Electric Jets, Timo Kronqvist. "Our team has worked tirelessly to develop a high-performance watercraft that combines exciting speed, reliability, environmental consciousness and spacious solutions like never before."
The electric personal watercraft boasts a sleek and modern design, driven by a powerful electric motor that enables exhilarating rides on lakes, rivers, and oceans. With zero emissions, Viva provides a greener alternative and a broader range of areas to use it, as traditional combustion engine watercrafts are forbidden on many waters.
Visitors to the Helsinki Boat exhibition will have the opportunity to witness the this groundbreaking electric jetski firsthand. They will be able to explore the cutting-edge technology, impressive features, and sleek design that make the Viva a true game-changer in the watercraft industry.
Viva Electric Jets is excited to be part of the movement towards sustainable and environmentally friendly water mobility. We are also a proud partner of the electric mobile cluster in Mikkeli, Finland.
You may find us at the Helsinki Boat Exhibition (Vene 24 Båt) in Hall 1, Stand B10. For more information about Viva Electric Jets, please visit our website at www.vivaelectricjets.com
Media Contact:
Name: Altti Näsi
Title: Communication & Brand Director
Email: altti.nasi@vivaelectricjets.com
Phone: +358 400 969 719
Website: www.vivaelectricjets.com
We are enthousiastic to announce that we’ll be participating in the 2024 Boot Düsseldorf Fair. Our stand is in Hall 7a, spot 7aG19, among the super yacht show.
Come and see us!
Snowsus Ltd., founded in Oulu in 2018, is set to start production of electric personal watercrafts (ePWC), or as we know them, jetskis, under the name Viva Electric Jets in Mikkeli at the turn of the year. The development of the ePWC has been quite rapid. CEO Timo Kronqvist describes how this was made possible through collaboration with several partners.
Kronqvist explains, how: "Originally, the company developed a patented spring solution for snowmobiles and the winter. However, at that point, things didn't quite take off. Then I read an article about Henrik Kärkkäinen, who had built a jetski in his living room, and another article about the jetskis getting more and more popular. I thought that with my own project coming to an end, there was an opportunity for a new collaboration."
Contact was made with Kärkkäinen, after which the men met two weeks later, and now Kärkkäinen is a partner in the company and is currently in the process of moving to Mikkeli.
The first prototype of the electric watercraft was ready in the summer of 2022.
"It was tested in July and August. It was an impressive machine, made from an old frame. However, we realized that the existing frames of combustion engine jetskis did not work, so the device needed to be completely redesigned", Kärkkäinen celebrates.
At this point, Parexo Ltd. joined the network of partners.
"We gained expertise in how to properly distribute the weight of the device and minimize water resistance, which meant speeding up the development of the electric jetski rapidly this year, Kronqvist explains. In March, a decision on funding for the development project was received from the ELY Centre.
"We started planning the device from scratch. In June, we added as a partner and the head designer Tapio Seppälä to the team. He’s a top expert in designing and optimizing ocean-going vessels. He has accelerated our design process. Also, Jaakko Kivioja, with extensive experience in boat design, also joined us and now the ePWC has a new and unique design, with a rising bow. The jetski now has world-class technical features and a slightly aggressive appearance.”
The actual prototype will be completed by the end of the year, and we will be able to present quite soon in 2024. An opportunity for collaboration Viva Electric Jets has leased facilities in Mikkeli from Kiinteistökehitys Naistinki Ltd. starting in November.
"We now have our own space where we can start assembling the prototype. Testing will be convenient since there is a lake next to the hangar", Kronqvist continues.
Mika Salo, a successful Formula 1 driver, serves as the company's brand ambassador and is also an investor. He will come to Mikkeli during the test phase to test the upcoming product for sale.
Sales and marketing are handled by Altti Näsi, who has studied visual arts and has also done a doctoral dissertation on the subject. He also has experience in startup entrepreneurship and adventure tourism. Timo Kronqvist himself has around 35 years of experience in leadership positions in industry and the international business environment. Over the years, he has built a extensive network of contacts, including investors.
"I have come to realize that success requires skill, vision, and a functional team with diverse expertise", says Kronqvist. He is pleased to have formed a core team naturally around the development of an ePWC. He trusts that the company already has the essential resources and, if needed, additional resources can be obtained from the developing cluster of electric mobility in Mikkeli, assisted by Miksei.
Mikkeli now has the right ingredients to develop a functional cluster for electric mobility. Companies include an electric boat manufacturer, Valkama, snowmobile company Aurora Powertrains and a winter scooter business, eLyly.
”I see the Silicon Valley model as a good one, where professionals in the same field work together, and experts can occasionally work for another company. It's good to have expertise in our own field available just around the corner. We can discuss anything from the lifespan of electric batteries to voltage at any time", explains Altti Näsi.
Kiinnostus uutta sähkövesijettiämme kohtaan on ollut hurjaa. Tässä kaksi viimeisintä linkkiä juttuihin:
Tekniikan maailma
Mika Salo has joined the Viva team as an investor and will work as the company’s Brand Ambassador from now on. After his Formula 1 career, Salo has been an active test pilot for various electric vehicles.
“Mika has a broad understanding of technical solutions and of course he possesses an extensive network of contacts around the world. This will help us in gain experienced point of views in product development and surely visibility. It’s wonderful that Mika joined the team and it demonstrates how our personal watercraft puts a smile on everyone’s face – even someone like Mika Salo”, says Viva’s export Director, Altti Näsi